Level 3
Specialty Technician Training
For technicians that have completed the Level 1 and Level 2 trainings, Level 3 training offers supplier training on specific types of components. Level 3 training leads to increased skill sets where technicians can perform advanced diagnostics, troubleshooting, and repairs on those systems and components.
There are 5 areas of specialty training technicians can pursue: Electrical, Chassis, Electronics, Appliance and Slideout. To achieve Level 3, technicians must successfully pass Level 1 and 2 written and skill-based (practical) exams as well as attend and pass the number of approved vendor trainings hours below within five years for each specialty category. Repeated trainings will not be counted (eg. an LCI Schwintek class can only be counted once, no matter how many sessions on the topic were attended).
- Electrical Specialist: 24 hours of training needed. Must receive training in each of the following categories: Converter, Inverter, Transfer switches, Batteries (including lithium-ion), Surge protection, Solar and Generators
- Chassis Specialist: 15 hours of training needed. Must receive training in each of the following categories: Stabilization, Leveling, Electric steps, Braking and Vehicle weights (hitch, axle and suspension)
- Electronics Specialist: 15 hours of training needed. Must receive training in each of the following categories: Satellite systems, Logic control systems and Control area networks (CAN)
- Appliance Specialist: 24 hours of training needed. Must receive training in each of the following categories: Furnaces, Air conditioning, Refrigerator and Water heaters (must include traditional, instantaneous and hydronic or combination systems)
- Slideout Specialist: 15 hours of training needed. Must receive training in each of the following categories: Cable slide-outs, Above floor or in-wall slide-outs and Through frame slide-outs
Once achieved, Level 3 status is good for 5 years for each category. Over the 5-year certification period, technicians must acquire an additional 24 hours of continuing education credits (CEUs) of approved training. 8 of the 24 hours of CEU must be directly related to the specialty held.
Available Supplier Trainings
All Filters
Above Floor, Cable, In-Wall, & Through Frame Slide-Outs
Slide-Out Qualification Program - Online
Sign up for this courseAirstream Alde Compact 3030 Training
Water Heaters – Hydronic or Combination *This is a Manufacture Hosted Training and only available to Airstream Dealer Technicians.
Sign up for this courseAirstream Battle Born Batteries Webinar
Batteries (Including Lithium ion) *This is a Manufacture Hosted Training and only available to Airstream Dealer Technicians.
Sign up for this courseRV Industry Association and RV Technical Institute does not endorse any trainings for recertification or advance Level 3. We also assume no responsibility or liability for accuracy or quality of the approved trainings. The approval is granted by a group of volunteer Level 4 Master Certified Technicians that evaluate the submission based solely on its relevance to the job of an RV Service Technician and if it is advanced training beyond the Level 1 & Level 2 pre-requisite training.
Seeking to be approved as a Level 3 Accredited Training Provider?
Download and submit the application below for review and approval of the Curriculum Committee.

Add your already completed specialty trainings to your RVTI certification record.
Follow the easy six-step process by clicking the link below: