U.S. Rep. Rudy Yakym Tours RV Technical Insitute, Meets Industry Leaders
Indiana’s 2nd District U.S. Rep. Rudy Yakym visited the RV Technical Institute today to learn more about the school’s programs and its role in supporting and improving the RV industry in Elkhart County.
“The RV industry is a main economic driver, not just in Elkhart County, but also throughout the region,” Yakym said. “Tens of thousands of jobs are created in the RV industry and its important that we educate the workforce. It has provided several generations of workers opportunities for economic advancement, so what we want to do is make sure we not only advocate locally but also nationally policies that help advance creation of jobs right here in Elklhart County.”
As part of the visit and before the tour, Yakym met with a roundtable of industry leaders from OEMs, distributors and suppliers to discuss issues they deemed important and that might benefit from federal legislation.
Yakym announced that he will be chairing the RV Caucus in Congress.
“That’s something that Jackie (Walorksi, Yaykym’s predecessor who died in an automobile accident in August) was involved in and part of her legacy that I will be continuing,” he said. “It’s important to have bi-partisan support for manufacturing domestically and that’s something I’ll be continuing in support of the RV industry, right here in Elkhart County.”
Read the full article from RV Business here.